Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dreamation 2015

I just got back from Dreamation 2015, the annual convention run by Double Exposure, the organizers for DexCon, Metatopia and many other events. This was also the first time as an official member of the Phoenix Outlaw Production staff, working as a Storyteller and GM. It was a good con and one hard worked at.

The Dresden Lives games experienced what we (the Storytellers) were calling a Mid-Season Finale. The Chronicle , the grand sum of the story as told with the players, has spanned many years and numerous conventions across the United States This weekend was the culmination of all of those plots and moving on to a new mode. Conspiracies were found out, and antagonists were revealed. There was also a conversation of power and responsibility, themes that are prevalent throughout the Dresden Files. When the things that bump come out of the dark to attack you, how do you make your stand? In a room full of Wizards, Vampires, Shifters, Mobters, Valkyries, Changelings and a whole host of other creatures and human, it's interesting to see where people made their stand.

I got to play three different characters throughout these games. Each one had their own motivations and troubles. The first was a doctor who was monitoring children prophesied to help bring about the end of the world. Unfortunately, those children were the children of the supernatural community of New York (read: a large chunk of the players) and they were mightily pissed. The character meant well, and would easily flip to the player's side when things were explained. However, he was also limited in what he could do to help them.

So, a few pissed off supernaturals essentially having an office drone asking them if they've tried turning it on and off? Yeah, that went well. In the span of ten minutes he was arrested, released, arrested, cornered and then had his heart ripped out of his chest. Full on Temple of Doom.

I next played a faceless monster who was once a human but had his personality completely deleted for the Conspiracy that abducted the children. He was set as a door guard, a powerful one, to keep the children protected. People tried to beg him, people tried to cajole him, and there were plenty of threats abound. They could have attacked him, and most of them would have made it through. But then one character made a decision. Because of plot, he had access to an alternate option. With the Storyteller's approval, he offered to take the children to another plane of being, effectively keeping them out of the way for everyone. That got them through. But it came at the cost of the PC who did, thereby marking the first PC death.

The faceless guardian remained with the children in the plane, swearing to protect them to their family members. Even at the next night's game, he was brought up. That made me feel good because he made an impact on people.

The next night I played Warden Parrish. Parrish is a Warden, which in the Dresden Files world means that he is a human Wizard who works for the White Council, the ruling body for Mortal Magic users.He's their cops, soldiers, and executioners. Wardens don't take "I didn't know" as an answer and are quick with the flick of the blade. The City of New York, for their gross litany of miscalculations, omissions, and just acts of wackiness, were held on trial by the Supernatural Community as a whole, with three Wardens presiding in Tribunal. Of the Three, Parrish was the most remote. Barely speaking, eyes blocked by sunglasses. Hands covered in black gloves. The only thing revealed on him was his sword. He wasn't a big talker, but when he did it was decisive.

Playing Parrish, I didn't want him to be just "I'm the one who kills you." He's Javert-like in that he will hunt you down until judgment day if he thinks you need a huntin'. But he's not one-dimensional. He has his own mind about how things work. I got a lot of compliments after game about how intimidating Parrish came off. He'll be a fun Face NPC (read: an recurring NPC) to play.

It was interesting watching the threads tie together during Dresden. Years of secrets got outted and revealed and characters had to make a lot of interesting decisions that will undoubtedly affect the second season.

I didn't sign up for much during the weekend. Aside from working on Dresden I had entered myself into a boffer tournament. It was sponsored by Oblivion Larp, a dystopian Boffer Larp in New Jersey. Several of the runners of Oblivion came in to Dresden the day before, giving me the opportunity to go "HELLO NEW FRIENDS". I've never done a boffer tournament before, point of fact I really don't get the chance to do boffer larps due to money and time. So getting a chance to try out some things was interesting to say the least. It also made for good research in developing Kensei, as I'm currently still bashing my head as how to make a combat system that is entertaining to both the fighters and the audience.

There were three tourneys. The dagger fighting one, the open weapon tournament, and a gauntlet course. The dagger fighting I went 1 out of 2 matches. I'm not much of a inclose fighter with weapons. I pretty much fell in love with a miniature Buster Sword, which had a wonderful reach and a wide blade to allow for easy deflections and blocks. I went 2 of the 3 matches I was in. Of the 5 stations of the gauntlet, I only made it to the second one. It was an interesting blend of folks who just liked to try out boffering and players who have been doing this for a long as time and clearly have weapons training. It left me feeling much more positive about Kensei, and needing to do this more.

What is also did was give me some awesome cardio as well. Unfortunately, my gas tank went empty shortly after that. I'm still trying to figure out better ways to keep my energy going during these conventions. To know when to hold em and keep playing and to know when to fold em. It's one of the things that keeps me from DR (aside from the aforementioned time+money) is that I am not a 24 hour marathon person. I like my sleeps. I was debating going to Ex Arcana, the Chronos system larp developed by Eschaton Media and Nerdy City productions (the venerable House of Jaffe). I was on line to sign in for game, when I felt my energy jackknife.

You see, not only was the boffer tournament matches exerting in ways I haven't done in months, it's Lent and I--like a moron--gave up soda. For those of you who haven't met me, I'm a Coke Fiend. I love my little red soda cans. So giving that up and then running a convention where I can't eat meat on Friday and can't drink cold caffeinated beverages (I don't drink hot drinks, sorry) meant that my blood-sugar levels were going WEEE! at various points.

So, I did the smart thing, backed out and let people who had never played it get a shot. When I went upstairs to nap, I looked at my recently purchased book for Ex Arcana (now available in PDF and softcover on DriveThruRPG) I realized my name was listed in the Playtesters section. I'd forgotten outright that I played a game before, so that became a magnificent surprise. I also know that there will be other games, and now that I have the deck and the book and actually know what the hell is going on, I now have plans and ideas.

My convention, otherwise, was rather chilled out. After going to a few of the Double Exposure conventions this year, I feel like I know a sizeable chunk of the population by face if not by name. For someone whose social anxiety is practically a lifestyle choice, this is a relief. I got to talk to Ashley Zdeb, co-founder of Eschaton Media. Eschaton is responsible for Dystopia Rising, the Apocalyptic Boffer Larp that is now a widespread network throughout North America. It's my opinion that DR has helped to redefine how boffer larps could be played. We also talked about the amazing response to the Chronos Larp system, and how Ex Arcana is being received. I know several of the incoming games, and many of the homebrews that were put on (example: of the Six Chronos games: two were based on TRON and Neverwhere, respectively) show off the versatility of the system. We also talked about our shared background in the Mind's Eye Theater/White Wolf  games.

I also got to see Sarah Lynne Bowman, editor of the Wyrdcon Companion and my Jungian Psychology in Larp Sempai. We didn't get down to sit and talk much, which was sad. We were too busy running around and doing our games. Sarah is an awesome human being and one of the people spearheading the academic backing of role playing games in all its forms. Also present, but I never got the chance to meet her, was Whitney 'Strix' Beltran, another researcher and expert in mythology. So there were arguably the two preeminent researchers into mythology and larp AND I COULDN'T FIND THE TIME TO TALK TO THEM.

One Day. Dammit.

Finally, friend of mine from Mind's Eye Society came to his first convention, in which he damned me for making him have fun and make new friends. I consider that a victory. He was a playtester for my Dresden game in June and now he got to play the same character in the official larp. I do believe he's hooked in, and is now a member of a group in the game that has some very large overarching plot. It's nice to have someone from my first and main source of gaming come into the new world I've come to enjoy, and then make them drink the cool-aid and want to come back for more.

it's all part of the job :D

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