Thursday, August 7, 2014

What Changed But the Name

So as some of you will be noticing, we're no longer running under the banner of "Confessions of a Wrathful Larper". There are reasons behind that, the first is simple: I'm not that Wrathful. Ranty, sure. Pedantic, oh yeah. But I'm not Wrathful. I'm not going on this site and going "Yeah? That guy? Eff that guy!"

Unless they're powergaming douchenozzles who think that LARPs and Role Play are all about proving how much of a numbers crunching badass you are. Congrats! You passed Algebra. You're the guy! NOW GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME TO MY MAKE BELIEVE.

As I was saying, I'm also changing it because I'm also aware of the fact that people are reading this (which is actually kinda terrifying) and that they too have some opinion about the profession, or moreso are making their lives around the profession (which is also just as terrifying). I'm now looking for support for my larp addiction through Patreon. In short, I'm trying to be professional in my presentation.

Alright, fine. Professional-ish...

And in the end "Confessions of a Wrathful Blogger" while snarky and sounds like the title of a book that would one day be turned into a movie starring Jay Burchel (my god...that could work...), it also doesn't draw the right kind of attention.

Some of you may be asking me why I chose the new title "Other Worlds Than These". I chose it because it's a Stephen King reference. In The Gunslinger Jake Chambers, reality hopping surrogate son of perennial badass Roland Deschain, says this at a pivotal point of the book. 'Go Then, for there are other worlds than these" and that line changes the rules quite a lot shortly thereafter. I also chose it because this is really what we're discussing in this blog, the exploration of different worlds, different mindsets, different ways of performing and creating those worlds. Even in regards to larp community itself, which is sometimes a world in and of itself, separate but linked to the real world.

So, nothing's changed. I'm still me, the site is the same, but hopefully this is a nice step forward towards improving the site and getting my voice out there.



PS: Also, this came in the mail today

Babies First Dice!

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